A message from the P&C
Welcome to Homebush State School.
We are fortunate to have a vibrant, active and committed P&C and see ourselves as a valued part of a team who work together to provide an optimal environment for our children in their school life.
P&C objectives
The objectives of the P&C are to:
- promote the interests of the school, and
- facilitate the development and further improvement of the school
To meet these objectives, the P&C tries to:
- foster community interest in educational matters
- bring about closer co-operation between parents, other community members, staff and students
- give advice and recommendations to the Principal when required, and
- provide financial or other resources and services for the benefit of all students.
The objectives and responsibilities of the P&C are set out in it's constitution. Specifically, the P&C operates the school tuckshop and uniform shop as well as organising numerous fundraising and community-building events.